Semen Analysis: What it Measures and How Beneficial is it?

semen analysis labInfertility is a prominent concern in India. According to the Indian Society of Assisted Reproduction, 10% – 14% of the Indian population is infertile. Ernst & Young findings show that about 22 to 33 million couples suffer from fertility issues, and 30% – 40% are men. Semen analysis is an important first step in diagnosis to measure the quantity and quality of semen released during ejaculation.

What to Expect from Semen Analysis

Semen analysis measures a range of parameters beyond sperm count.

  • Semen ejaculate volume determines if the vas deferens or seminal vesicles are blocked.
  • Sperm concentration measures the number of sperms in a milliliter of semen.
  • Total sperm counthelps to discover the possibility of oligospermia or azoospermia.
  • Total and progressive motility tracks the overall and forward motion of sperms.
  • Vitality indicates the percentage of live sperms.
  • Sperm morphology evaluates the shape and proportion of sperm which are normal or abnormal.
  • pH, leucocytes, and fructose measure the chemical composition of the semen sample.

How Beneficial is Semen Analysis

Semen analysis is the first stage in investigating a problem with male sexual and reproductive health after a routine physical examination. A significant advantage of semen analysis is that it is a low-cost procedure and is easily performed. It is non-invasive and serves as an initial diagnostic procedure to find the cause of a range of conditions. As there are WHO norms, a routine and standardized approach to semen analysis enables comparison across laboratories.
It measures three important aspects that easily detect infertility in men – abnormal morphology, low count, and poor motility. Motility is one of the best measures to predict fertility in males. Semen analysis answers many basic questions about infertility including the nature, significance and potential cause of the problem.
On the downside, operator dependency is one of the biggest disadvantages of semen analysis. The validity of results from the test also depends on the laboratory setting. Quality of testing is far better in high-volume fertility centers or standardised laboratories when compared to those labs that perform the diagnostic test occasionally.

Besides, the test can only analyze external features and give variable or non-conclusive results. According to findings from the World Health Organization, semen analysis is only partially reliable as a predictor of fertility on account of vague thresholds for parameters, non-inclusion of female fertility factors, and the possibility of internal variation in semen parameters. In addition, a semen analysis test alone does not help your doctor to accurately predict the success rate of IVF or ICSI relevant to your particular case.

What Abnormal Results Mean

Treatment choices for male infertility depend on the results of semen analysis. Lifestyle changes, hormonal therapy, or resolution of the underlying condition is effective in most cases. Your doctor may choose to extract sperm from the testicles or do the required surgery. Other treatments are insemination and in vitro fertilization. In certain cases, your physician may suggest taking the assistance of a sperm donor. A sperm DNA fragmentation test will give further insight into the sperm quality and is a better predictor of ART treatment outcomes


It is natural for men to think of semen analysis as a way to judge their male sexual or reproductive health. If you have concerns, questions, or religious objections, it is best to clarify them by consulting your doctor. Andrology Center offers the standardised semen analysis as per WHO norms and also the best Sperm DFI test – the genuine SCSA® Test. Please call +919443793934 or email for more information or to make an appointment to provide your sample or consult with an Andrologist.

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