Infertility among couples is a growing problem not only in India but, also worldwide. In the specific Indian context, male infertility receives less attention than it deserves due to prevailing social mores and cultural attitudes about virility and male potency. However, this does not make the problem of male infertility go away and indeed, the incidence of male infertility in India is increasing due to occupational and lifestyles changes as well as due to a burgeoning health crisis brought about due to a variety of reasons. Statistics show that nearly one in every three couples is infertile and among these, nearly half of the cases are due to male infertility.
As the research on how to cure male infertility indicates, there are a number of ways and means in which fertility in males especially in increasing their sperm count and mobility of the sperm are concerned. Specialized treatment clinics such as Andrology Center offer a variety of treatments aimed specifically at the Infertile Indian male. These treatments comprise both natural and clinical ways to address infertility and for those men who prefer natural methods, there are any number of suggestions and recommendations which the experts at such centers usually offer.
For instance, the intake of Vitamins and Minerals can improve sperm count as well as mobility. In addition, couples wishing to conceive can try enhanced Zinc and Folic Acid intake where the important point to note is that both partners ought to take them. Indeed, Zinc and Folic Acid intake in quantities ranging from 11 Mg of Zinc for Men and 8 Mg for Women and 400 Mg of Folic Acid by both the partners daily can make a significant difference in their ability to conceive.
Zinc and Folic Acid aid DNA and RNA synthesis as well as help in making extra blood in addition to reducing the chances of neural tube defect or the problems associated with birth. Both these supplement the production of sperm and enhance sperm count as well as improve sperm mobility. Indeed, research has shown that increased citrus fruit intake as well as whole grain diet in addition to dairy products is very effective in treating male infertility. Considering the fact that these supplements can be taken through dietary changes as well as through branded Vitamin and Mineral capsules and tablets, this is one natural and risk free way to enhance male fertility.
Apart from these, taking Multivitamins and Antioxidants can help men during the time they are looking to conceive as well as generally since maintaining healthy lifestyles is one sure method to ensure fertility. While Zinc and Folic Acid should be taken by both partners, where the men in particular are concerned, enhancing Vitamin C, Calcium, and Minerals either through dietary changes or through specific nutritional supplements can lead to better chances of conception. It is important to note that taking these supplements well before the “conception window” or the time that couples start planning for pregnancy is a key determinant of the success or otherwise of their efforts.
Research also indicates that Vitamin E can help in producing better sperm counts wherein in one study among Spanish men, it was found that poor antioxidant and nutrients intake affected the quality and quantity of the sperm. Experts often suggest a leafy and fruity diet to ensure that infertile men address their problem in natural ways and if that is not sufficient, they recommend taking dosages in measured quantities from any of the available Vitamin and Mineral Supplements in the market. Apart from this, for the non vegans, eating crab and lobster occasionally can help infertile men.
Thus, whether you prefer a dietary change or a nutritional supplement, addressing infertility through natural means is preferred since research has shown that clinical treatments through the natural way are more successful than other methods. Moreover, in case you hesitate to seek specialized treatments due to cultural and societal attitudes that stigmatize the Infertile Indian Men, natural methods through confidential consultation with clinics such as Andrology Center can help you and your partner in conceiving and leading a healthy and fulfilling life where marital tensions and depressed relations have no place.