Thyroid Tests (TSH, T3, and T4):
Understanding Their Role in Male Infertility

Who should take the test?

Thyroid tests, including TSH (Thyroid Stimulating Hormone), T3 (Triiodothyronine), and T4 (Thyroxine), measure the levels of these hormones to assess thyroid gland function.

Why Are They Required?

Thyroid hormone imbalances can affect fertility by impacting sperm production, libido, and overall hormonal balance.

Who Should Do This Test?

Men with symptoms of thyroid dysfunction (like weight changes or fatigue), known thyroid disorders, or unexplained infertility should consider these tests.

What Will Results Show?

Results indicate whether the thyroid is functioning normally, overactive (hyperthyroidism), or underactive (hypothyroidism).

Usefulness in Male Infertility

Understanding thyroid function is crucial for diagnosing and treating conditions that may contribute to infertility. Proper thyroid management can improve fertility outcomes.

Thyroid tests are an integral part of assessing and addressing fertility issues, offering essential insights into how thyroid health impacts reproductive health.

These parameters are instrumental in evaluating male reproductive health, offering insights into the quality of male gametes.

Getting a semen test

Patients interested in semen analysis can contact Andro Diagnostics at +91 XXXXXX or complete the Make an Appointment form. Semen samples can be conveniently provided at Andro Diagnostics, Coimbatore, on the scheduled appointment date. This one test unveils critical insights into male reproductive health, setting the path for informed decisions and potential solutions.

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