Unravelling Oxidative Stress damage to Sperm DNA and the Antioxidant Solution

Unravelling Oxidative Stress damage to Sperm DNA and the Antioxidant Solution

It is now no secret that infertility in couples is sometimes contributed by the male partner – that is the case in almost 40% of couples who are having difficulty in conceiving. There are many reasons for this which have been explored and research is still ongoing. Some causes relate to oligospermia (low sperm count), asthenospermia (poor motility), teratospermia (higher percentage of sperm with abnormal form), azoospermia (no sperm in the ejaculate) and oligoasthenoteratozoospermia (OAT), which is a combination of the first three causes mentioned above.

Oxidative stress is known to harm sperm DNA. We have presented some articles on the damage caused to sperm DNA by oxidative stress and the use of antioxidants to combat the impairment.

Some levels of ROS are required for sperm maturity, sperm capacitation (the functional changes of spermatozoa to enable penetration and fertilization), reaction of acrosome (release of egg-penetrating enzymes), hyperactivation (vital for fertilization as it is required for penetration) and sperm-oocyte (paternal components combining with the female germ cell) function. ROS is important in cell signaling and homeostasis (regulation of variables so that internal conditions retain stability and constancy).

TCP – Translational and Clinical Pharmacology is the official journal of the Korean Society for Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics (KSCPT). It shares and spreads knowledge relating to all aspects of translational and clinical pharmacology.

Recently, a study was conducted on the effectiveness of antioxidants in improving sperm count, semen parameters and reducing DFI (DNA fragmentation index). Research was conducted on 300 men all over India, between the ages of 25 – 45 years, who had oligospermia, asthenospermia and teratospermia. The female partners had no reported infertility problem. Excluded were men who had history of hypogonadism (decreased functioning of the testes), undescended testes, vasectomy, varicocele, prostate cancer and hydrocele (abnormal collection of fluid between the two layers of the pouch that covers the testis).

The subjects were assessed for changes in sperm count, morphology, motility, semen volume and DFI before and after the antioxidant blend treatment. It was interesting to find that, after the antioxidant treatment for 3 months (90 days), there was an increase in the quality of sperm parameters and semen volume, with a decrease in DFI.

Andrology Center was proud to be a part of this multi-centric study whose services for DFI testing by the SCSA Test method were utilised. We are proud to be the only recognised laboratory in India to carry out the genuine SCSA® (sperm chromatin structure assay) test. Our state-of-the-art equipment and high technology ensures our results are accurate and guaranteed. We provide standardised reports which are clinically relevant. This assists the fertility specialist in recommending the most reliable treatment to the couple.

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